Articles scientifiques
Prescriptions of anti-reflux drugs in neonatology and neonatal
intensive care units: A large multicentre observational study
Tauzin, M., Gouyon, B., Jiao, L., Lapillonne, A., Lorrain, S., Bellaiche, M., Jung, C.(2024).
Use of dexmedetomidine during mechanical ventilation in extremely preterm and extremely low birth weight neonates receiving morphine: A single-center retrospective study
Camille Irving, Xavier Durrmeyer, Fabrice Decobert, Gilles Dassieu, Aroua Ben Guirat, Béatrice Gouyon, Manon Tauzin (2024).
Diuretic drug utilization in neonates: a French prescription database analysis
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2024
Lacobelli,S., Lorrain, S., Rabe, E., Gouyon, B., Gouyon, J.B., & Bonsante, F. (2024).
Diuretic drug utilization in neonates: a French prescription database analysis, 15:1358761.
Postnatal corticosteroid exposure in very preterm infants : A french cohort study
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2023
Iacobelli, S., Allamèle-Moutama, K., Lorrain, S., Gouyon, B., Gouyon, J. B., Bonsante, F., & Logipren Collaborative Working Group (2023).
Postnatal corticosteroid exposure in very preterm infants: A French cohort study. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1170842.
Paraben exposure through drugs in the neonatal intensive care unit : a regional cohort study
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2023
Iacobelli, S., Commins, M., Lorrain, S., Gouyon, B., Ramful, D., Richard, M., Grondin, A., Gouyon, J. B., & Bonsante, F. (2023).
Paraben exposure through drugs in the neonatal intensive care unit: a regional cohort study. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1200521.
Frequencies, Modalities, Doses and Duration of Computerized Prescriptions for Sedative, Analgesic, Anesthetic and Paralytic Drugs in Neonates Requiring Intensive Care: A Prospective Pharmacoepidemiologic Cohort Study in 30 French NICUs From 2014 to 2020
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022
Tauzin, M., Gouyon, B., Hirt, D., Carbajal, R., Gouyon, J. B., Brunet, A. C., Ortala, M., Goro, S., Jung, C., & Durrmeyer, X. (2022).
Frequencies, Modalities, Doses and Duration of Computerized Prescriptions for Sedative, Analgesic, Anesthetic and Paralytic Drugs in Neonates Requiring Intensive Care : A Prospective Pharmacoepidemiologic Cohort Study in 30 French NICUs From 2014 to 2020. Frontiers in pharmacology, 13, 939869.
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Prescription of Aminoglycosides in 23 French Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Antibiotics, 2021
Martin-Mons, S., Gouyon, B., Lorrain, S., Abasse, S., Alexandre, C., Binson, G., Brat, R., Caeymaex, L., Couringa, Y., Desbruyeres, C., Meglio, M. D., Escourrou, G., Flamein, F., Flechelles, O., Girard, O., Kermorvant-Duchemin, E., Lapillonne, A., Lafon, C., Di Maio, M., Mazeiras, G., … Gouyon, J. B. (2021).
Prescription of Aminoglycosides in 23 French Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland), 10(11), 1422.
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Antibiotics prescription over three years in a French benchmarking network of 23 Level 3 Neonatal Wards
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020
Martin-Mons, S., Lorrain, S., Iacobelli, S., Gouyon, B., Gouyon, J. B., & B-PEN Study Group (2021).
Antibiotics Prescription Over Three Years in a French Benchmarking Network of 23 Level 3 Neonatal Wards. Frontiers in pharmacology, 11, 585018.
Drug exposure for PDA closure in France: a prospective, cohort-based, analysis
European journal of clinical pharmacology.2020
Iacobelli, S., Lorrain, S., Gouyon, B., Gambacorta, S., Laforgia, N., Gouyon, J. B., & Bonsante, F. (2020).
Drug exposure for PDA closure in France: a prospective, cohort-based, analysis. European journal of clinical pharmacology, 76(12), 1765–1772.
Characteristics of prescription in 29 Level 3 Neonatal Wards over a 2-year period (2017-2018). An inventory for future research
Public Library of Science one (Plos One),2019
Gouyon, B., Martin-Mons, S., Iacobelli, S., Razafimahefa, H., Kermorvant-Duchemin, E., Brat, R., Caeymaex, L., Couringa, Y., Alexandre, C., Lafon, C., Ramful, D., Bonsante, F., Binson, G., Flamein, F., Moussy-Durandy, A., Di Maio, M., Mazeiras, G., Girard, O., Desbruyeres, C., Mourdie, J., … Gouyon, J. B. (2019).
Characteristics of prescription in 29 Level 3 Neonatal Wards over a 2-year period (2017-2018). An inventory for future research. PloS one, 14(9), e0222667.
A Computer Prescribing Order Entry-Clinical Decision Support system designed for neonatal care: results of the 'preselected prescription' concept at the bedside
Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics,2017
Gouyon, B., Iacobelli, S., Saliba, E., Quantin, C., Pignolet, A., Jacqz-Aigrain, E., & Gouyon, J. B. (2017).
A Computer Prescribing Order Entry-Clinical Decision Support system designed for neonatal care: results of the 'preselected prescription' concept at the bedside. Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics, 42(1), 64–68.

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